my screen is zoomed in and i dont know how to zoom out. - Microsoft Community

my screen is zoomed in and i dont know how to zoom out. - Microsoft Community

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How to zoom out your windows screen - how to zoom out your windows screen:.[Guide] How to Zoom in and Zoom out Screen in Windows 11? [MiniTool News] 

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Use Your Mouse or Touchpad Method 4. Click System. This method should work on any website, on the desktop, and in most but not all apps. Anonymous Apr 21, How to zoom out on Windows 10 if you are using the Microsoft Edge?      

How to zoom out your windows screen - how to zoom out your windows screen:. How to unzoom computer screen: on Windows 10, Mac


It won't work if you try this approach on the desktop. Plenty of programs come with their own in-built mechanism to zoom in and zoom out that most users aren't aware of. We are talking about apps like word processors, editors, video players, and so on.

The best place to look for is probably under the View section of all apps. You can modify your computer's advanced display settings with the Display Settings menu, which you can access through the context menu on the desktop:.

Microsoft has tweaked the labels a little with Windows 11, but the fundamental process of changing the display settings stays the same. Follow the steps below to open the display settings:. You'll get a confirmation dialog box, click on Keep changes to finalize your changes. So, without further ado, let me show how to zoom in and out in Windows 10 and 11 operating systems.

There are several different ways to zoom in and zoom out in Windows OS. I will show three different ways that achieve the same result. Follow the one you like. As part of the accessibility feature, Windows has dedicated shortcuts to zoom in and zoom out. In fact, when you press the zoom-in keyboard shortcut, Windows automatically opens the magnifier tool.

You can click on it multiple times and receive the following: small zoomed out , normal, large zoomed in , then back to auto.

Not Helpful 8 Helpful You can zoom in and out by using the scroll wheel on the mouse. Not Helpful 37 Helpful 8. My entire computer screen is zoomed in, not just the browser. How can I fix it? Not Helpful 21 Helpful Alternate between CTRL and the - minus symbol, until you get the zoom size on the top right.

You can then change the size from there, either to zoom in or zoom out. Not Helpful 13 Helpful 6. How can I restore my computer to a regular view after accidentally zooming in a weird way? If that doesn't work, try zooming it the other way, until you get a view similar to the start. If you use a chromium-based browser, you should also see a little icon, which can be clicked and reset the zoom.

Not Helpful 13 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Many apps have their own built-in zoom features. To find an app's zoom controls, look through its menus—you'll often find zoom on a menu called View. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. You can use the magnifier app to choose a specific area of your screen to zoom in and out of. You Might Also Like How to. How to. About This Article.

Written by:. Nicole Levine, MFA. Co-authors: Updated: October 1, Categories: Windows. Deutsch: An einem PC hinauszoomen. Bahasa Indonesia: Mengecilkan Tampilan pada Komputer. Nederlands: Uitzoomen op een pc. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,, times.

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